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Who we are


We are a community of believers who seek to glorify God, experience Him daily, and live lives worthy of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. We do this through worshiping together, living life together, and looking outward to how we can serve.

We are made up of folks from different backgrounds, ages, and stages. At the end of the day, what binds us is Jesus.

Not one of us is perfect, but God is helping us to be something even better: faithful.

We welcome all people with Christ-like love.  Our members range from life-long Baptists to other denominations of similar faith and practice.

We like to keep things simple and strive to make Jesus the main thing. We are a warm, supportive community that would love to meet you.

"...walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:10

Statement of Faith


The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and is the basis for any statement of faith. The church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of “The Baptist Faith and Message” as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1963. 

Our Mission


Spring Creek Baptist Church’s reason for existing is to be Rooted in Christ, Locally Committed, and Transformation-Minded.


​Spring Creek is rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the church’s one foundation. Through our weekly worship, we desire to put our roots down deeper into Christ. With deep roots, a tree has all the nourishment it requires to thrive. The same is true for the Christian. We are nourished by God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Deep roots keep us grounded when life is tough. We are rooted in Christ.


Spring Creek is committed to the place God has planted us since 1874. No two churches are identical. Rather, each church serves the same Lord in a unique way. Located in Bosque county, we are actively involved with sister churches through the Bosque Baptist Association, host events for folks in the Iredell area, and have called ministers from Truett Seminary in Waco since 2004. We are committed to the local soil where God has planted us. We are locally committed.


Spring Creek is transformation-minded. We want to be transformed by the renewing of our minds in Jesus Christ. Being transformation-minded means that we see growth differently. Growth is not just about numbers but is about each believer maturing in faithfulness. Transformation touches our hearts and extends our hands. Transformation is our mindset because it leaves room for growth, celebrates progress, and reminds us to have a thankful heart.  A transformation mindset also leads us to contribute to spreading the gospel beyond our local county, state, and nation. We believe God can transform anyone’s life with the gospel and desire to be a part of God’s transformation in this world. We are transformation-minded.


Spring Creek Baptist Church and Cemetery

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